Roof Pitch Calculator

Calculate the roof pitch of your roof (or your neighbor's for that matter) by entering the rise and run or the angle in degrees.
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Rise and Run
Angle in Degrees

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Calculation Summary

To calculate the roof pitch, we need to understand the formulas and calculations involved. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how the result is calculated:

Conversion of Units

First, we need to convert the rise and run values to a common unit of measurement. The available units are centimeters (cm), meters (m), inches (in), feet (ft), and yards (yd). We will use the following conversion factors:
- 1 cm = 0.01 meters
- 1 m = 1 meter
- 1 in = 0.0254 meters
- 1 ft = 0.3048 meters
- 1 yd = 0.9144 meters

Calculation of Slope in Radians

Once we have the rise and run values in meters, we can calculate the slope in radians using the formula:
- Slope (radians) = arctan(rise / run)

Conversion of Slope to Degrees

Next, we convert the slope from radians to degrees using the formula:
- Slope (degrees) = Slope (radians) * (180 / π)

Formatting the Slope

To format the slope in various representations, we perform the following calculations:
- Pitch: The rise value represents the vertical distance for a run of 12 units. So, we calculate the pitch using the formula:
- Pitch = rise / 12
- Grade (slope): The grade is the slope expressed as a percentage. We calculate it using the formula:
- Grade (slope) = tan(Slope (degrees)) * 100
- Radians: We round the slope in radians to 6 decimal places.

Return of Formatted Results

Finally, we return an object with the formatted results, including the degrees, pitch, grade (slope), and radians.


Here are a few examples to illustrate the calculations:
Example 1:
Given rise = 10.12 cm and run = 5 m
- Convert rise to meters: riseInMeters = 10.12 * 0.01 = 0.1012 m
- Convert run to meters: runInMeters = 5 * 1 = 5 m
- Calculate slope in radians: slopeInRadians = arctan(0.1012 / 5)
- Convert slope to degrees: slopeInDegrees = slopeInRadians * (180 / π) = 11.471780028943423 degrees
- Calculate pitch: pitch = 0.1012 / 12 = 0.008433333333333333
- Calculate grade (slope): grade = tan(11.471780028943423) * 100 = 20.000000000000004%
- Round radians to 6 decimal places: radians = 0.041667
- Return formatted object: { 'Pitch': '0.008:12', 'Degrees': '11.472°', 'Grade (slope)': '20.000%', 'Radians': '0.041667' }
Example 2:
Given degrees = 30.5
- Convert degrees to decimal: degrees = 30.5
- Calculate slope in radians: slopeInRadians = arctan(tan(30.5 * π / 180))
- Convert slope to degrees: slopeInDegrees = slopeInRadians * (180 / π) = 30.5 degrees
- Calculate pitch: pitch = tan(30.5 * π / 180) * 12
- Calculate grade (slope): grade = tan(30.5 * π / 180) * 100
- Round radians to 6 decimal places: radians = 0.532324
- Return formatted object: { 'Pitch': '6.000:12', 'Degrees': '30.500°', 'Grade (slope)': '58.824%', 'Radians': '0.532324' }


By following these calculations, we can determine the roof pitch based on the provided rise and run values or the angle in degrees.

Home Renovation

The roof pitch is an important factor to consider when planning a home renovation. It refers to the steepness or slope of the roof. The roof pitch affects various aspects of the renovation project:

Considering the roof pitch during a home renovation is essential to ensure the structural integrity, functionality, and overall aesthetics of the house.

Roof Replacement

The roof pitch refers to the steepness or slope of a roof. It is typically measured in terms of the vertical rise of the roof for every horizontal foot. The roof pitch plays a significant role in roof replacement for several reasons:

When planning a roof replacement, it is essential to consider the roof pitch and consult with roofing professionals to ensure the appropriate materials and installation methods are used.

Construction Projects

The roof pitch refers to the steepness or slope of a roof. It is typically expressed as a ratio of vertical rise to horizontal run. The roof pitch plays a crucial role in construction projects and affects various aspects of the building process.

Here are some ways in which the roof pitch impacts construction projects:

Considering the roof pitch is essential during the planning and design phase of a construction project. It influences the structural integrity, functionality, and appearance of the building.

Real Estate

The roof pitch can have an impact on real estate in several ways. Firstly, it affects the overall aesthetic appeal of a property. A steep roof pitch can give a house a more dramatic and visually appealing look, which can be attractive to potential buyers.

Secondly, the roof pitch can affect the functionality of the property. A steeper roof pitch allows for better water drainage, which can be beneficial in areas with heavy rainfall or snowfall. It also provides more attic space, which can be utilized for storage or additional living areas.

Additionally, the roof pitch can impact the energy efficiency of a property. A steeper roof pitch allows for better ventilation and can help with heat dissipation, reducing the need for excessive air conditioning in hot climates.

Lastly, the roof pitch can affect the cost of construction or renovation. A steeper roof pitch requires more materials and labor, which can increase the overall cost of the property. However, it can also add value to the property and potentially result in a higher resale price.

Insurance Purposes

The roof pitch can affect insurance purposes in several ways:

It's important to check with your insurance provider to understand how roof pitch specifically affects your insurance coverage and premiums.

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