Featured Fence Installation: Elaine T. from Vallejo, CA

Elaine needed to have a section of her fence replaced and searched for fence contractors in the Bay Area. She chose us because we were licensed and insured.
Jimmy Soldatos
Jimmy Soldatos
Created at:
February 9, 2023
Last updated at:
September 28, 2023

Project Specifications

Fence Style: 6' Nail Up Dog Eared Fence with Alternating Panels

Fence Material: Con Common Redwood

Length: 61 Linear Feet

Request Date: October 7th, 2019

Installation Date: October 27th, 2019

Elaine needed to have a section of her fence replaced and searched for fence contractors in the Bay Area. One of the reasons she decided to go with us was because we were licensed and insured. This is important to any customer who wants to work with a safe and reliable contractor. 

She chose the same fence design she had before which was a nail up dog eared fence with alternating panels. Alternating panels are a good compromise where both sides of the property get a view of the rail side and front side of the fence. It's also a less costly option compared to a picture frame board-on-board fence. 

We were able to get her installation scheduled shortly after she contacted us. Alfredo and his crew showed up on the installation day and completed the fence in just one day. 

Elaine was extremely happy with the end result and said, "Your people have done a wonderful job on the fence. I couldn't be more pleased! It was so fun to watch them. You are a wonderful company! I am so pleased. My son came over and said, 'Oh, that is the most beautiful fence!' "



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